EWMCI holds positions in many of the financial and cryptocurrency assets included in our model indices. We do not offer financial products based on these assets, nor do we advocate for or against holding any of the index components.
Our financial model(s) are provided for informational and educational purposes only, and individuals who use these model(s) do so by their own choice, and at their own risk.
Overall, there is significant financial risk involved in holding CBFA, and individuals considering investing in such assets should first educate themselves (and/or seek appropriate financial advice) before undertaking any potential risks.
Some educational resources are available [here] and [here]. We emphasize that loss of principal and asset volatility are major risks, and should not be discounted by potential investors.
Donate to one of the following addresses.
Your generosity greatly appreciated!
AUR: AWdcrwzsfdmaT2Eg18wDBK5SsQG6EfmRve
BBK: BRFFDu8LD1VUUhL53a9trbcvufCoEw5Uhd
BSV: qzyxkyujy4kpuu6ajcdpnsfhenx6fytrvsfgvqnz7j
BTC: 18pV3ps28dq4R6QFsFrkipgQxz43L18W7Q
CLAM: xANdo6u33r5s2NXtiepMPHnYDz8GseTv1i
DASH: Xvxq5Qtv44tPdFcCuNMDxmSkwyNiRCoMgx
DOGE: DGYH8JRsm4d8aaGvssFi4BN4goU5TkyfRX
ETC: 0x046f889606C982A54bC31b4AE6389C6eDA138624
STRAT: ShPuxFrf4oiauxiyGiVZLxNT3NUMad5zac
UIS: UgbSEwH3zpm1LtHQUYyQvgjdFu6ydmVEUA
VIA: Vusapk8KyVzE7WUZ6T5PcgbG1V3NU9C36m
XMY: MGx1GyzizWGQnqyP7bLDsuPgrJWwLa4ezq
XVG: D7AEqNk413YVTmrZg7QExmFcsv1pppxZHE
Your donations / support will be used to:
1) Enhance graphics and add more frequent updates
2) Perform ongoing research and objective testing of various blockchain projects, allowing continued refining of our tracking indices; index updates (e.g., inclusions/exclusions of new assets); and gradual enhancement of the index performance (e.g., calibration aimed at optimizing growth and reducing volatility)
3) Incorporate real-time streaming quotes. This will require more resources and the development of high-level partnerships with cryptocurrency data providers
Consider placing a single claim for the following addresses using the corresponding “direct-to-wallet” faucets; This will cost you no money and will only take a minute of your time:
BitBlocks Faucet: https://faucet.bitblocksproject.com/
Address: BRFFDu8LD1VUUhL53a9trbcvufCoEw5Uhd
Gridcoin Faucet: https://gridcoin.ch/faucet
Address: S34HiFWMtZ1AYpbEEADrmg2kvPUmuKJoU7
Myriadcoin Faucet: https://cryptap.us/myr/faucet/
Address: MGx1GyzizWGQnqyP7bLDsuPgrJWwLa4ezq
East-West Magnate Cryptocurrency Experts
East Pennsylvania, USA